External Collaborating Groups - Center for Biomedical Imaging & Informatics Skip to main content

The Medical Robotics and Automation (RoboMed) Laboratory


Located in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, on the Georgia Institute of Technology campus, the lab focuses primarily on research in the areas of medical robotics both at the macro and micro scale.




Dr. Jaydev Desai

BME Distinguished Faculty Fellow
Director, Georgia Center for Medical Robotics
Associate Director, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines
Georgia Institute of Technology


Eric Durbin, DrPH, MS

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics
University of Kentucky HealthCare


Jyotishman Pathak  

Frances and John L. Loeb Professor of Medical Informatics

Department of Healthcare Policy and Research
Weill Cornell Medical College


Joel H. Saltz, MD PhD

Cherith Professor and Founding Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics

Vice President for Clinical Informatics, Stony Brook Medicine

Associate Director, Stony Brook University Cancer Center.


Ashish Sharma, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Emory University